Saddleback Caterpillar with Thumb

Saddleback Caterpillar: Look, No Touch!

Beautiful but deadly! Well, not deadly, but extremely uncomfortable. This saddleback caterpillar, Acharya stimuli,  is bristling with stinging hairs. Potent enough to cause nausea in addition to straightforward pain. Thumb for scale. I followed this specimen over several days as it worked on blackberry leaves. I was excited to find this; I have been looking for one for […]

Ruddy Turnstone

Ruddy Turnstone

The ruddy turnstone is among my favorite shorebirds because his name is easy to remember. This one is transitioning to his breeding plumage in the light of a Sanibel sunrise. Taken with Nikon D90 and Nikkor 70-300 VR ED.

"Vintage" Bridge

“Vintage” Bridge

A blue filter preset in Aperture gives this West Virginia highway bridge a vintage look. For a higher res version, see flickr. I have corrected the lens barrel distortion in PT Lens. In this version I have also taken the liberty to flip the image horizontally for the sake of composition, leading the eye into […]

Deptford Pink

Deptford Pink

Deptford Pink, Dianthus armeria, lingering after summer has been gone a week. Note the mature anthers, say no more. Image taken with a Micro-nikkor 60mm AF macro lens–an excellent value for miserly photographers. For a higher resolution image, click the Flickr thumbnail or broken image link below. It started as a thumbnail, but flickr sucks at […]